Thursday, March 26, 2015

Chola Dynasty

The Chola DynastyIt all started with my searching for details and any records in Indian history about the 535 AD eruption of Krakatoa. Many scientists have postulated that the climate changes of 535-536 AD observed and recorded in several parts of the world may have been attributed to the 535 AD eruiption of Krakatoa. I figured given that India is closer to Krakatoa than Scandinavia (one of the regions where drastic climate change in 535-536 was recorded) there may be some records on this event. I found none but I did end up reading about the Cholas. 

Interesting how search for one set of information can lead you to another set. Such is the information age we live in. As I read about the Cholas I found myself more and more fascinated by this dynasty. Why? Well I felt that there were several characteristics about this empire that made them rather unique with respect to Indian history.

The Chola empire went from about 200 BC all the way to about 1300 AD with a gap in between from about 200 AD to 800 AD when they were not ruling. This would make the Cholas one of the if not the longest lasting empire in India.

Navy and Marine Trade
The Cholas were excellent mariners. They had flourishing trade with China that was conducted through sea not land. What the Cholas also excelled at was having a strong Navy. 

International Conquest
The Cholas did something that no other Indian empire did. They left India in search of new territory. The map below shows the territories controlled by Rajendra Chola I.


Now I could be wrong but if my memory serves me correct the Chola empire and its achievements have been neglected the Indian education system and society in general. I do recall being taught about the Cholas in class 9 or 10 history. But that was about it. I cannot recall a reference to the Cholas (Except for the Chola Sheraton in Chennai) anywhere in day to day life. One often sees Ashoka, Maurya, Akbar, Shah Jahan etc being referred to or used. To the best of my knowledge no Bollywood movie has ever been made on the Cholas. I do not recall reading books on how great Rajendra Chola I was etc. I do not believe there is any road in Delhi named after Rajendra Chola or any Chola (A lot of Delhi roads are named after great Indian rulers). 

Look at the classification of Indian Navy ships ( I see none called the Chola class or Rajendra class. And yet it was the Cholas, not anyone else who dared to leave the subcontinent and conquer.

The Cholas seem to be neatly tucked away.

Why do I think its important to know more about the Cholas and Rajendra Chola's naval achievements? Well its quite simple. We have all read about Marco Polo and Vasco De Gama. A lot of Indians probably also know of the great naval battle between Nelson and Napolean. But how many of us know about the Chola's naval strength? What kind of ships did the Cholas have? What kind of weaponry did the ships have? What was Rajendra Chola's strategy when he took these overseas territories? What kind of trade ships did they have? Who were his captains? Who charted the route to China?

I know how the British sunk the Bismarck because radio stations in India played a song about it day in and day out. But I do not know anything about the Chola Navy. A shame isn't it?

Well, now that my rant is over I can go back and read more about the Cholas and hopefully one day get back to seeking more information on the 535 AD eruption of Krakatoa.

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