Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Hoysala King Veeravallala Deva:

The Hoysala King Veeravallala Deva-III, 
paintings (Murals) in Thiruvannamalai Temple. 

The paintings speaks about the 14th century A.D, "Arunachalapuranam" (7th chapter Vallala Maharaja Sarukkam). 
The Arunachalapuram was written by "Saiva Ellappa Nayanar". 
The "Arunachalapuranam" says that, the hoysala king Veeravallala Deva-III hails from "Vanniya Kula Kshatriya Community" (Agni Kula Kshatriya). 

The great "Hoysalas" belongs to "Velir Clans" and hence they made their capital city name as "Velapuri" (Belur in Karnataka). 

Since the Hoysalas were relatives cum feudatories to Chalukyas, they have adopted the Chalukyan type of style in their art and architecture. 
From the sculptures of Hoysalas, we came to know that, the "Royal Flag" of the "Pandavas" is "Hanuman Flag". 
The great Hoysalas (Vanniyas) art and architecture makes the Karnataka to elegant beauty:

Thanks To : N.MuraliNaicker.

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